Somewhere along the way, someone told me that if I was to at least truly believe that there is no God but Allah, then no matter how wrong my life is; eventually I would end up in heaven . And I am sure I am not the only one rationalizing this a little too easy. Now I am not taking any other direction about this concept at all because it's true but before we get ourselves comfortable with this idea, I think we should really take a moment and think about it a little, try to understand what it really means just to make sure we don’t fall into any pitfall from Saytan on this. You if you interested then check this out.
A pop quiz; if only truly believing that there is not God but Allah would eventually leads one to Heaven, then between you and I, who got the most right to get into heaven first? Ready? Ok go.
No, wrong answer. Try again.
Nope, wrong again. Ok let me tell you then. Between you and I, It’s the Saytam himself has the most right. Because he, without any doubt knows more then us that there is no God but Allah. He spent most of his life worshiping Allah and Allah alone and he is the only one who never bowed down to anyone beside Allah even when all the angels prostrated to Adam (alayhi wassallam). Ok the last part was for out of his arrogance but still, you see my point? Which is, the word believing is a little deceiving here. Let's investigate a little more on this.
So what made Saytan the cursed one then even when he got the "no God but Allah" part right? Yes, you got that right. Disobedience to Allah. You see where it’s going? Is believing enough you think? See the problem begins when we translate the Arabic word "Eman" as simply - believing. Eman is a composite word which consists the believing part but that's not all. Scholars has defined Eman as acknowledging Allah as the supreme Lord by heart and a verbal declaration of that belief and a manifestation of that belief though the limbs. Got the point?
Well if you are with me so far, let's move to another important topic from here. So if disobedience, which is a product of arrogance by the way, to Allah is a key for hell then from among us, who should follow Saytam to hellfire first? Yes, it's the great grand parents of ours, Adam (alayhi wassallam) and Hawa(Eve). Nowjubillah I am saying that just for that sake of the argument. We all know they won’t and we all know why. They too disobeyed Allah but they repented. They repented to Allah for their acts. So we get a new Key here - Repentance. Again the translated word repentance do injustice to the actual Arabic word Tawba.
Let me explain that in my next post.
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